Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Plan

Phase 1: Nonsurgical palate expansion to widen upper and lower jaws. Genioplasty to reduce height of chin and increase projection

Phase 2: Jaw surgery to bring both jaws up and forward

Phase 3: Rhinoplasty (nose job).

 ...all supplemented with some really good hair and makeup :)


  1. You may be able to get the vertical maxillary reduction without surgery with temporary ancorage devices. Also there may be ways of bringing the maxilla forward by using a non surgical traction system. Apperantly the inventor of the alf appliance has a neck ancored traction system. I also herd that a Dr named Amir utilises a similar method to pull the maxilla forward. I believe he is in putney. I wanted to chime in because this may save you from the inconveniance of surgery.

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